In "Remember those Buddhas the Taliban blew up in 2001?"

In my life I was to content to see my image only if reflected in the waters of a pool, glimpsed and then gone. Where now are the wealthy merchants of Shahr-i-Gholghola who thought that building the statues could buy them merit? Impermanence is thus. Also, I always thought they got my nose wrong.

In "People and travel."

You're just lying down for a well-earned entry into Nirvana and some young scamp comes and wakes you up. Bless him.

In "Do a search on eBay for "monkeyfilter""

I am indeed saddened tracicle. May my beloved monkeys recall that Right Speech is a part of the Noble Eightfold Path.

In "Personal selections"

I was a skinny baby but I could disco from the day I was born! Much merit have you earned Plegmund.

In "Penguin in the Pew"

Yet I am am here always, just cut off all thinking and I arise.

In "Mindfulness In Plain English"

Remember that the desire of a thoughtlessly living man grows like a creeper. He drifts from one life to another like a monkey looking for fruit in the forest. All processes are impermanent. When one sees this with understanding, then one is disillusioned with the things of suffering. This is the Path of Purification. Those who meditate with perseverance, constantly working hard at it, are the wise who experience Nirvana, the ultimate freedom from chains.

In "Curious George: Time Travel"

No need for time travel homunculus. I teach every day in your heart and in the myriad phenomena, as well you know.

In "22 beautiful things, "

I think I was a lttle drunk when I sat for that sculptor in Gandhara.

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)